
[The Digital Ethics(제7권 제2호)] AI와 신경과학 기반 융합 윤리 패러다임의 필요성

조회수 244

논문 제목(국문) : AI와 신경과학 기반 융합 윤리 패러다임의 필요성 

논문 제목(영문) : The Necessity of a Convergence ethics paradigm based on AI and Neuroscience 

저자 : 강태우*·허동혁**· 정성진***· 오태원****

소속 :
* (제1저자)대구경북과학기술원부설한국뇌연구원 책임행정원
** (공동저자) 연세대학교 원주의대 정밀의학과 외래교수
*** (공동저자) 한국뇌연구원 책임연구원
**** (교신저자) 경일대학교 경찰학과 교수



 With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, We have a social demand for the establishment and strengthening of artificial intelligence ethics. As AI converges with other technologies, such as neuroscience, it is creating new social problems that we have not experienced before. For example, AI is now capable of mimicking the human brain and acting in ways that are similar to humans. If we use the existing ethical system to interpret what happens when AI reaches a technical singularity, we will have to respond conservatively and create a regulatory-oriented ethical system. This paper proposes a new ethical perspective, called 'cooperative intelligence ethics,' which encompasses the existing ethical system. Cooperative intelligence ethics is based on the idea that AI should be developed and used in a way that benefits all of society. This means that AI should be used to solve problems, such as poverty and climate change, and not to create new problems. In order to promote cooperative intelligence ethics, it is necessary to create an open platform where the government, researchers, and the private sector can all participate and collaborate. This platform should be used to share knowledge, develop standards, and solve problems. By working together, we can ensure that AI is used for good and not for harm. 


1. 서론

2. AI와 신경과학의 융합

3. 새로운 융합윤리의필요성 

4. 협업지능 윤리(CI Ethics)
  4.1 협업지능 개요
  4.2 Colaborative Inteligence Ethics
  4.3 CI Ethics를 위한 정책적 제언 

5. 결 론